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Message from Dallas Schneider on X39 Patches

"WoW!!! Who Would Have Ever Thought
We would develop a method to reverse aging? It's Here NOW!!!
Coming from Compartmentalized Military Research to produce Extra Energy for US Navy Seals for 30-60 hour strenuous trips an offshoot was the Anti-Reverse-Aging Stem Cell technology.

What is a Stem Cell? An original cell BEFORE it specializes into skin, liver, toenails, eyes, etc. You get the picture. A stem cell can become anything in the human body. It is expensive I hear costing up to $15,000 a treatment, coming from dubious sources. 

Now using prism light frequency technology a patented simple method has been developed to stimulate the body to create it's own stem cells which can then migrate to any spot that needs repair. THUS IT REVERSES AGING!!!
In the patch applied 12 hours daily on awakening, removed at night the minerals in it act as a prism to reflect natural body heat infrared light converting the light as a prism splits white light into colors into light that stimulates stem cell production.

WoW! That is a mouthful!!!
Only $99/month can get yours, the X39 Patch to keep you 39 years young. Younger people can put the Energy Patch developed for the Seals to use as their body can take the extra stress. Older can use it also but should monitor their performance, and stay hydrated.

This is my opinion of the patents as I understand it from the company's literature and my experience, not Medical advice.
Make up your own mind, do your own research. I did mine. 
It is also a business opportunity paying instant cash, and weekly cash depending on volume. It is NOT an MLM in my opinion that one has to work at hard over and over to sell something nobody knows about with some obscure inventor that I know more about than he does, lol!!! It is easy as eating apple pie, with the company setup putting people under you to develop volume automatically. Who doesn't want automatic money these days?

Check out my latest find, let me know what you think?"

- Dallas Schneider 

Purchase DIRECT Here:
NO Distributorship SIGNUP NECESSARY!

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Individuals: Unlock the secrets behind X39 patches and discover how they can revitalize your energy levels and promote overall well-being. Click below to delve deeper into this revolutionary technology.

Businesses: Explore the transformative potential of X39 patches for your organization. Learn how this cutting-edge innovation can enhance productivity and support the health and vitality of your team. Click below to find out more.

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